Why Recovery Is Beautiful
Recovery Is Beautiful is all about putting the needs of individuals and families requiring addiction and/or mental health programming first and foremost. Members of the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities (OACBHA) have envisioned a framework where Ohio will be best served by moving toward a recovery-oriented system of care that supports individuals, families, and communities through a system of addiction and mental health prevention, wellness, crisis intervention, treatment, and recovery support programs and services.
Why Recovery Is Beautiful
Ohio’s system of addiction and mental health services and programs was built with one premise in mind: helping Ohioan’s live better, healthier, and drug-free lives. Getting back to the core of why these systems exist (i.e., to help individual Ohioans and their families) is what Recovery Is Beautiful is all about. Recovery Is Beautiful is also about helping Ohio’s communities become and stay healthy and safe with the recognition that people often require help, and when they do, we need to be ready and able to serve them for the lengths of time their chronic diseases require.
However, we must remember that recovery is a life-long process that is not always linear. Recovery is different for each individual and his/her family. It comes in many dimensions and is a very personal journey. Recovery Is Beautiful is about supporting individuals and their families in the process of recovery to help communities become and stay healthy with programs and services from prevention and wellness to crisis services to treatment and long-term recovery supports. Most of all, Recovery Is Beautiful is about hope, the hope that anyone can recover and by working together we can make recovery not only possible but also desirable.
We hope that you will join us and help make recovery beautiful in your community and throughout Ohio. To learn more, www.oacbha.org.
Learn more about this great initiative:
- Recovery Is Beautiful:
Developing a Better Understanding - Recovery Is Beautiful:
Focusing on Clients and Families - Recovery Is Beautiful:
Ensuring Timely Access to Care - Recovery Is Beautiful:
A Blueprint - Recovery-oriented System of Care Model